XieXieMaster 2.8.0 Released
XieXieMaster 2.1.1 Opening Book Maker
"Book maker" is software used to build opening books for Xiexie chinese chess software.
XieXie freeware 2.5
This is a free chinese chess software. Strong enough for most of players.
Games in EGF format
2005 Wu Yang Cup ( chinese )
One of the strongest chinese chess tournament in China.
2004 Chinese National team A Competition ( chinese )
Chinese champions are usually world champions too. So the level is very high.
2004 World Computer XiangQi Championship
The games played when Xiexie was Computer Chinese Chess Champion.
XieXieMaster XiangQi Databases
9th World Xiang Qi championship in Paris july 2005
2005 wolrd chinese chess championship in Paris.
2004 World Computer XiangQi Championship
The games played when Xiexie was Computer Chinese Chess Champion.
Victories All The Way
Games showing nice ways to win a game in chinese chess.
Orange Secret
Terrible secrets on chinese chess openings.
Short Stories and Traps
Very short computer games. Very usefull to study.
XieXie played against XiangQi Masters and GrandMasters in 2001
Games played by Xiexie against International masters and Grandmasters.
Games Played by XieXie
Games XieXie played on MXQ Volume 1
Games from the 8th Computer Olympiad in EGF format
Games from the 8th Computer Olympiad in WXF format
XieXie files 1.02 opening book patch,
How to apply the opening book patch
XieXie 2.8 English
XieXie 2.6 English
Last Updated on August, 2021
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